Paying Your Rent
As per your Residential Tenancy Agreement, your rent is to be kept at least a month in advance at all times. Payment can be made easily using a recurring Direct Deposit straight into our bank account. This can be set up using online banking, or by attending your local branch. To obtain these account details, along with the code to be used for your transaction, please contact our office.

Rent Arrears
We have a strict “zero tolerance” policy on rent arrears. If you are experiencing financial difficulties please contact our office to discuss payment options.
Should you fall into arrears, the following procedures will be strictly adhered to:
Arrears of 2 days: You will receive a friendly reminder text message. We understand that if you make your rental payments manually then it can sometimes slip your mind but we expect payment to be made in full once a reminder is sent.
Arrears of 3 days: You will be sent a breach letter in the mail outlining your commitments as a tenant, specifically your legally binding Residential Tenancy Agreement.
Arrears of 5 days: You will receive a phone call from a Property Manager to ensure you are aware of your financial obligations as a tenant. They will make a date/time with you for all rent arrears to be paid in full and advance. If this is not honored further action will be taken.
Arrears of 10 days: You will be sent an Eviction Warning. This is a final reminder meaning you have four (4) business days to make payment of all arrears in full before legal action is taken.
Arrears of 15 days: Eviction proceedings commence. You will be served with a Notice to Vacate of the Rented Premises and if not rent is paid within three (3) business days.
Please be aware that every text message, letter and phone call is recorded on your permanent file and should these accumulate it may be detrimental to your rental history.

Routine Inspections
As per your Residential Tenancy Agreement, a member of our Property Management will conduct a Routine Inspection every six months. To document our inspection we may take photos of the property, including photos of any repairs required.
You must ask your landlord’s permission before keeping any pets on the property, regardless of how long they will be staying. If a pet is approved, you will be required to sign a Pet Clause which details the requirements of keeping a pet on the property, including Flea Bombing the property upon vacating and accepting the cost of repairing any damage caused by the pet. Please contact our Property Management Department before bringing any pet onto the property.

Changes In Occupancy
Only the people included on your tenancy agreement are permitted to reside at the property on a permanent basis. Should a tenant wish to move in or out you are obligated to notify us in writing immediately. Please be aware that any new tenants will need to be approved through the application process prior to moving in.

Property For Sale
If the property is put up for sale during your tenancy do not panic! Many tenants believe that they can be kicked out within a week, but this is not the case. You must be provided with 60 days written notice, that cannot expire before the end of your fixed term Tenancy Agreement. If you are not under a fixed term Tenancy Agreement, but on a ‘month by month’ agreement, you must be provided with 60 days written notice. Once this notice has been served you can vacate the property at any time, provided you give our office 14 days written notice of your intention to do so.

Breaking Your Lease
If, for any reason, you are unable to continue your lease until the expiry date, you are able to submit a Break Lease Request. We will immediately advertise the property as available, and strive to obtain a new tenant as soon as possible. You are required to continue to pay rent and maintain the property up until the date the new tenancy commences, and will be responsible for paying a pro-rata break lease fee which can be calculated at the end of your tenancy.